
People are different, but the media, the world has made them afraid to create their own space around themselves, when they should just close their eyes and trust in themselves. Sometimes a man needs a break from the darkness, and just needs a dose of chirpy, buzzing tunes.

Wire: What did you think when people were saying that you hadn’t produced it all in Sound Forge, it’s a scam.

Burial: Who?

Wire: People on the internet, saying he can’t possibly have done that whole album in Sound Forge.

Burial: Really? Yeah well I did. I'll leave those people to their internet or whatever. Yeah I wish sometimes that I’d gone to college to learn music production, but other times I’m like ‘no, fuck, I’m happy I didn’t’.

I don’t really go on the internet, it’s like a ouija board, it’s like letting someone into your head, behind your eyes. It lets randoms in.


Once Furiosa and her comrades return to the city, Max fades away. The universal hero has no role there. But he was not even that. He was the universal donor. He is a fantasy about a kind of male nurturer who gets the heroine home. He is analogous to the George Clooney character in Gravity or the Matthew McConaughey character in Intersellar. This is not feminist cinema but a new kind of masculinist cinema — as far as it is prepared to compromise. Women (often ‘middle aged’) can figure things out for themselves, but with a little help from the universal donor, giving blood, not milk.

Coming back to this this morning for some reason


narrow tip lacks stopping power and the ability to produce deep, penetrating trauma required to halt an attacker. Its simplified straight profile also fails to provide much visual intimidation or psychological deterrent effect when displayed in a defensive stance