Time runs out for carriage clock
Staff increasingly like to select their own retirement present
The traditional carriage clock is being overlooked as a retirement gift in favour of hi-tech presents, a gift company says.
Staff these days are far more likely to leave a firm with a digital camera, DVD player or flat screen television.
The practice of working for several companies means a symbol of time no longer has the same appeal.
Cottrills, which has run award schemes for 15 years, says employees are increasingly selecting their own gifts.
"What we would say, and what the people would say, is that it's their choice," the firm's Martin Cooper told the BBC.
"They want to use their loyal service award much more effectively rather than possibly being giving something they didn't choose and perhaps putting it in a drawer."
Cheshire-based Cottrills has decided to drop carriage clocks from its range.
It sold 200 in 2004 but this year has only seen one order.